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Researcher in the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures since 2020.
department: Department of Ancient Egyptian and Near East Cultures / Centre for the Research on the Egyptian Temple
Specialization and research interests:
Travel, mobility, carrying chairs, wagons, carts, and chariots in ancient Egypt, as well as dewatering systems, music archaeology, pottery mainly of the Predynastic, Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom, and temples/shrines/sanctuaries; experimental archaeology.
Academic activity:
Dr. Heidi Köpp-Junk is an Egyptologist, Archaeologist and Music Archaeologist. She studied Egyptology, Prehistory and Ethnology at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen and got her Ph.D. with the thesis “Travel in Pharaonic Egypt” (supervisors: Prof. Dr. F. Junge; Prof. Dr. G. Dreyer (First Director of the German Archaeological Institute Cairo)). Since that she worked at the universities of Göttingen, Münster, Trier and Tübingen and for different museums and exhibitions (British Museum London, Roemer and Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale, World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art Luxembourg; Georg-August University Göttingen). She has been excavating in Germany (Glauberg, Northeim, Einbeck) and in Egypt (Dahshur (Pyramid temple of the Red Pyramid of Seneferu), Elephantine (small finds of the Early Dynastic Satet Temple), Buto (Predynastic and New Kingdom/Late Period pottery), Sakkara (tomb of Ninetjer), Qantir (New Kingdom pottery), Abydos (tomb of Khasekhemui), Athribis Temple (water systems) for several institutions like the German Archaeological Institute Cairo (DAI). She is participant in the working group “Conflict and Innovation” of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute and member of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social: Water” of the German Archaeological Institute.
Since December 2020, she is working as an Assistant Professor in Egyptian Archaeology at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, section Egyptian Temples, Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw.
Future projects:
Temple of Athribis: Scientific analysis of the water systems.
Role in the project: Project manager.
University of Tübingen / Prof. Dr. Christian Leitz, Egyptology, supported by the Frontinus Society.
Tuna el Gebel: Scientific analysis of the water systems (planned)
Role in the project: Project manager.
Hanover State Museum / Prof. Dr. Katja Lembke; DFG, German Research Foundation
Former projects:
University of Tübingen
22/03–27/04/2019 Temple of Athribis, leader of the project “water systems in the
27/01–08/02/2017 Repit temple of Athribis”
German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Cairo
20/02–21/03/2015 Abydos, 4 times field director; 13 times leader of the project
03/10–04/11/2014 “The Pottery from the Tomb of Pharaoh Khasekhemui”
16/03–20.03.2009 Saqqara, leader of the project “The Pottery of Pharaoh Njnetjer”
15/02–31/03/1998 Dahshur, leader of the project “The Pottery of the Pyramid
15/02–30/04/1997 Temple of the Red Pyramid of Seneferu”
09/10–24/10/1993 Buto, pottery of the New Kingdom and Late Period with Dr.
01/05–14/06/1993 Peter French, Dr. Janine Bourriau, Cambridge; Predynastic and Early Dynastic pottery with Prof. Dr. Christiana Köhler, Vienna
17/02–27/03/1992 Elephantine, small finds and architecture of the Satet Temple;
01/01–14/03/1991 Pottery of the New Kingdom and Late Period with Dr. David Aston, Vienna
15/10–31/12/1990 Cairo, small finds of the Satet-Temple of Elephantine island (Early Dynastic Period and Old Kingdom) with Prof. G. Dreyer and Dr. A. Krekeler, database project
Municipal archaeology of Einbeck:
24/04–25/05/2007 medieval chapel at the Heldenburg, Salzderhelden
05/09–30/09/1994 medieval city gate “Hullerser Tor”, Einbeck
15/07–25/09/1993 Neolithic earthwork, Einbeck
13/07–09/10/1992 medieval potter's workshop Negenborner Weg, Einbeck
15/07–17/08/1990 settlement of the Rössen Culture in Großenrode/Northeim
Roemer und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim
22/09–12/10/2006 Qantir: Pottery from the area Q IV, New Kingdom, Late Period
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen
17/08–11/09/1987 celtic sanctuary and tombs on the Glauberg
Georg-August University Göttingen, Institute of Egyptology and Coptic Studies
Virtual exhibition “Die Gesänge der Ptolemäer. Ägyptenrezeption in den Opern von Georg Friedrich Händel” / “The Songs of the Ptolemies. Egypt reception in the Operas of Georg Friedrich Händel”, organization of the section “Music in Ancient Egypt” (composition of the exhibition texts, selection of objects, scientific research) and recordings with replicas of ancient Egyptian instruments (Georg-August University Göttingen, Institute of Egyptology and Coptic Studies) https://haendel-aegypten.gbv.de/ (work in progress).
Winter semester 1986/1987 traineeship at the Lower Saxony State Museum in Hannover/Germany
01/08–30/08/2019 British Museum, project “Circulating Artefacts”
Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale, Germany
Scientific advice and participation in the international special exhibition at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale “The Nebra Sky Disc” (working title), 4th November 2021–9th January 2022, including texts for the catalogue and the authoritative scholarly publication on the Nebra Sky Disc.
World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Germany
Scientific advice and participation in the international special exhibition “PharaonenGold – 3.000 Jahre altägyptische Hochkultur”. 18th May–24th November 2019, scientific advice, chronology of ancient Egypt, Glossary, guided tours for different kinds of audiences, interviews on special topics (metal, gold, etc. in ancient Egypt).
Lokschuppen in Rosenheim
Compositions and recordings of music with replicas of ancient Egyptian instruments and texts for the exhibition PHARAO 2017.
Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale, Germany
Scientific advice and participation in the international special exhibition at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale “Krieg – eine archäologische Spurensuche”, 6th November 2015–22th May 2016, including several texts for the catalogue and two lectures.
Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Scientific advice and participation in the international special exhibition “Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Altägyptische Objekte in den Sammlungen des MNHA. 12th June 2015–10th January 2016” at the Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art (MNHA) in Luxembourg, including more than 60 pages for the catalogue and a lecture.
World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Germany
Scientific advice and participation in the international special exhibition “Ägypten – Götter. Menschen. Pharaonen. 25th July 2014–12th April 2015” at the World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Germany with objects from the Museo delle Antichità Egizie, Turino, including several texts for the catalogue and a lecture.
1. Reisen im Alten Ägypten. Reisekultur, Fortbewegungs- und Transportmittel unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Landverkehrs. Göttinger Orientforschungen (GOF) Band 55, Verlag Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2015.
2. The Earliest Music in Ancient Egypt/Die Anfänge der Musik im Alten Ägypten vom 5. Jt. v. Chr. bis zur 4. Dynastie (manuscript finished).
3. Die Bedeutung der Ressource Wasser im pharaonischen Ägypten (manuscript finished).
Journal articles, encyclopedia entries, and book chapters
4. Rasseln für die Ewigkeit: Die ältesten Perkussionsinstrumente des Alten Ägypten. In: Saura-Ziegelmeyer, A. (ed.): Ancient Percussion Instruments: Organology - Perceptions - Multi-functionality. Toulouse, January 31, 2019. Revue PALLAS 115 (2021), 171-190.
5. Reisen, Wagen und Streitwagen. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Ägypten 10/2021, 12-19.
6. The sound of ancient Egypt - acoustics and volume measurements. Ars inter Culturas 9 (2020), 13-33.
7. Globalisierung, Verkehr und Mobilität im 2. Jt. v. Chr. zwischen Ägypten und dem ostmediterranen Raum. In: Meller, H.: Die Welt der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra - Neue Horizonte. Landesmuseum Halle 2020, exhibition catalogue, 182-185.
8. Wasser im Athribis-Tempel - Wasserableitungen, Badeeinrichtungen und Brunnen im griechisch-römischen Tempel der Repit in Athribis/Ägypten. Beiträge zur Wasserwirtschaft und Technikgeschichte 2020, Schriftenreihe der Frontinus-Gesellschaft Heft 32, 139-173.
9. Der Tempel von Athribis - Wasserableitungssysteme in Ägypten in griechisch-römischer Zeit. Beiträge zur Wasserwirtschaft und Technikgeschichte 2019. Schriftenreihe der Frontinus-Gesellschaft Heft 31, 65-84.
10. Chronologie. In: Grewenig, M. M. (ed.): PharaonenGold: 3.000 Jahre altägyptische Hochkultur. Exhibition catalogue World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Esslingen 2019, 44, 49-50, 58-59, 70-71, 226-227.
11. With I. Fuchs and F. Junge: Glossar (gods, technical terms). In: Grewenig, M. M. (ed.): PharaonenGold: 3.000 Jahre altägyptische Hochkultur. Exhibition catalogue World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Esslingen 2019, 252-253.
12. Textual, iconographical and archaeological evidence for the performance of ancient Egypt Music. In: Ventura, A. G., Tavolieri, C., Verderame, L. (eds.): The Musical Performance in Antiquity: Archaeology and Written Sources. Newcastle upon Tyne 2018, 93–120.
13. Sound of Silence? Neueste Ergebnisse aus der Musikarchäologie. In: Blöbaum, A. I., Eaton-Krauss, M., Wüthrich, A. (eds.): Pérégrinations avec Erhart Graefe. Festschrift zu seinem 75. Geburtstag. ÄAT 87, Münster 2018, 267-283.
14. Wasserwirtschaft im Niltal: Die Ableitung von Niederschlags- und Gebrauchswasser in Ägypten vom Alten Reich bis in griechisch-römische Zeit. In: K. Wellbrock (eds.): Cura Aquarum in Greece, Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft, Band 27/2. Siegburg 2017, 485–508.
15. Zur Ökonomie Ägyptens bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches. Journal of Ancient Civilizations 32/2 (2017), 211–228.
16. Mobilität, Fremdheit und Integration im Alten Ägypten/Mobility, foreigness, and integration in ancient Egypt. In: Meller, H., Daim, F., Krause, J., Risch, R.: Migration und Integration von der Urgeschichte bis zum Mittelalter. Tagungsband des 9. Mitteldeutschen Archäologentages, Halle 2017, 129–144.
17. Weibliche Mobilität im Alten Ägypten II: Frauen auf Reisen in pharaonischer Zeit. Distant Worlds Journals 3 (2017): Migration and Change: Causes and Consequences of Mobility in the Ancient World, 19–43. https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/dwj/article/view/41810.
18. Köpp-Junk, H., Riemer, H., Förster, F.: Mobility in ancient Egypt - Roads and travels in the Nile Valley and adjacent deserts. In: Scharl, S., Gehlen, B. (eds.): Mobility in Prehistoric Sedentary Societies. Kölner Studien zur prähistorischen Archäologie 8, Rahden/Westfalen 2017, 277–300.
19. Die Keramik aus dem Grab des Chasechemui, 22./23./24. Kampagne. In: Dreyer, G. et al.: Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo (MDAIK) 73, Mainz 2017, 89–93.
20. Pharaonic Prelude - being on the Move in ancient Egypt from Predynastic Times to the End of the New Kingdom. In: Wasmuth, Melanie, Creasman, Pearce Paul: People on the Move: Framework, Means and Impact of Mobility Across the Eastern Mediterranean Region in the 8th to 6th Century BC. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 12 (2016), 21–40.
21. Wagons and Carts and their Significance in ancient Egypt. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 9 (June 2016), 14–58.
22. The Artist behind the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs: Performance and Technique. In: Landgráfová, R., Navrátilová, H.: Sex and the Golden Goddess II: The World of the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs. Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague. Prague 2015, 35–60.
23. Quellen zum Krieg im Alten Ägypten. In: Meller, H., Schefzik, M. (eds.): Krieg - eine archäologische Spurensuche. Catalogue of the international special exhibition at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale, 6th November 2015–22th May 2016. Stuttgart 2015, 183–186.
24. Die Erstürmung befestigter Städte in altägyptischen Darstellungen. In: Meller, H., Schefzik, M. (eds.): Krieg - eine archäologische Spurensuche. Catalogue of the international special exhibition at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale, 6th November 2015–22th May 2016. Stuttgart 2015, 83–84.
25. Der Pharao siegt (fast) immer: Die Schilderungen der Schlachten bei Megiddo und Kadesch im Spiegel altägyptischer Quellen. In: Meller, H., Schefzik, M. (eds.): Krieg - eine archäologische Spurensuche. Catalogue of the international special exhibition at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale, 6th November 2015–22th May 2016. Stuttgart 2015, 235–238.
26. Ikonographische und textliche Belege für Frauen auf Streitwagen in der Amarnazeit. In: Huyeng, C., Finger, A. (eds.): Amarna in the 21st century. Kleine Berliner Schriften zum Alten Ägypten 3 (2015), 102–149.
27. Die Entwicklung von Fahrzeugen und Landverkehrswegen im Alten Ägypten. Das Altertum 60/2 (2015), 125–153.
28. Ein prädynastisches zylindrisches Gefäß mit Netzdekor. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 218–220.
29. Geographische und klimatische Gegebenheiten. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 14–16.
30. Alltagsleben am Nil. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 17–25.
31. Schrift und Literatur im Alten Ägypten. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 26–34.
32. Ägyptische Religion - Götter, Tempel und deren Ursprung. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 35–41.
33. Tod und Bestattung. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 42–50.
34. Ägyptische Kunst - ein kurzer Abriss. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 50–56.
35. Ägyptomanie. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 57–60.
36. Chronologie des Alten Ägypten. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 61–64.
37. Glossary. In: Polfer, M. (ed.): Von den Ufern des Nil nach Luxemburg. Catalogue of the Egyptian objects at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA), Luxembourg. Luxembourg 2015, 65–68.
38. With Dövener, F.: Ägyptische Schätze - wiederentdeckt, restauriert, erforscht. Das Musée national d'histoire et d'art Luxembourg und die Ägyptologie der Universität Trier starten ein gemeinsames Projekt zur Veröffentlichung der in Luxemburg befindlichen ägyptischen Sammlung. Empreintes - Annuaire du Musée national d'histoire et d'art 5, 2014, 4-5.
39. Mobilität, Tod und Jenseits. In: Grewenig, M. M. (ed.): Götter. Menschen. Pharaonen. Ägypten - Meisterwerke aus dem Museum Egizio Turin. Exhibition catalogue World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Heidelberg 2014, 31–33.
40. With I. Fuchs and F. Junge: Glossary. In: Grewenig, M. M. (ed.): Götter. Menschen. Pharaonen. Ägypten - Meisterwerke aus dem Museum Egizio Turin. Exhibition catalogue World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Heidelberg 2014, 270–271.
41. Catalogue texts for Sandalen, Sandalenpaar, spitze Sandalen, Boot, Bronzestatue des Gottes Horus. In: Grewenig, M. M. (ed.): Götter. Menschen. Pharaonen. Ägypten - Meisterwerke aus dem Museum Egizio Turin. Exhibition catalogue World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, Heidelberg 2014, 86, 150, 202, including scientific advice and preparation of the plans on p. 45, 65, correction of the German translations of the catalogue texts and exhibition texts
42. Sledges in Religious Contexts in ancient Egypt. Material Religion 10.1 (3/2014), 122–124.
43. Die Keramik aus dem Grab des Chasechemui, 25./26./27. Kampagne. In: Dreyer, G. et al.: Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo (MDAIK) 69, Mainz 2013, 65–68.
44. Chariots as a Mode of Locomotion in Civil Context. In: Veldmeijer, J. A., Ikram, S. (eds.): Chasing Chariots. Proceedings of the First International Chariot Conference (Cairo 2012). Leiden 2013, 131–142.
45. Desert Travel and Transport in ancient Egypt. An Overview Based on Epigraphic, Pictoral and Archaeological Evidence. In: Riemer, H., Förster, F.: Desert Road Archaeology in Ancient Egypt and Beyond. Africa Praehistorica 26, Heinrich-Barth-Institut, Köln 2013, 107–133.
46. With Dr. C. E. Loeben: Plaque avec représentations: char et hiéroglyphes. In: Andreu-Lanoe, G. (ed.): L'art du contour – Le dessin dans l'Égypte ancienne. Exhibition catalogue Louvre, Paris 2013, 174–175, Object Nr. 41.
47. Travel. In: Frood, E., Wendrich, W. (eds.): UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Los Angeles, 2013, 1–20. http:// digital2.library.ucla.edu/viewItem.do?ark=21198/zz002gvznf.
48. Ägypten und die 10 Gebote heute. Hollywoods Bild von Ägypten im Spiegel der modernen Forschung. In: Wiegels, R. (eds.), Verschlungene Pfade. Neuzeitliche Wege zur Antike, Osnabrücker Forschungen zu Altertum und Antike-Rezeption 16, Rahden/Westfalen 2011, 203–216.
49. Die Keramik aus dem Grab des Chasechemui, 19./20./21. Kampagne. In: Dreyer, G. et al: Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 67 (2011), 85–90.
50. Die Rote Pyramide des Snofru in Dahschur - Bemerkungen zur Keramik. In: Rzeuska, T. I., Wodzinska, A. (Hrsg.): Studies in the Old Kingdom Pottery. Warschau 2009, 61–69.
51. Reisen in prädynastischer Zeit und Frühzeit. In: Engel, E.; Hartung, U.; Müller, V. (eds.): Zeichen aus dem Sand. Festschrift Günter Dreyer. Menes 5, Wiesbaden 2008, 401–412.
52. Weibliche Mobilität: Frauen in Sänften und auf Streitwagen. In. Peust, C. (ed.): Miscellanea in honorem Wolfhart Westendorf. Beihefte Göttinger Miszellen 3, Göttingen 2008, 34–44.
53. Entwässerungssysteme im Alten Ägypten: Entwässerungsprobleme und Lösungen im Spiegel der Historie. Tagungsband 3. Göttinger Abwassertage: aus der Praxis – für die Praxis. Göttingen 2003, 1–18.
54. Die Keramik aus dem Grab des Chasechemui. In: Dreyer, G. et al: Umm el-Qaab. Nachuntersuchungen im frühzeitlichen Königsfriedhof 13./14./15. Kampagne. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo 59, Mainz 2003, 116–124.
55. Sünde im pharaonischen Ägypten - zwischen Maat und Isfet. In: Heuser, M. P. et al (eds): Die Sünde. Tagungsband DGPA 2001, Innsbruck 2002, 149–161.
56. Träume und Traumdeutungen im pharaonischen Ägypten. In: Rüther, E. et al (eds.): Träume. Tagungsband DGPA 2000, Festschrift Prof. Dr. Rüther, Innsbruck 2001, 337–353.
57. Müller-Römer, Frank: Der Bau der Pyramiden im Alten Ägypten. München: Herbert Utz Verlag 2011. FeRa (Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde) 27 (2016), 56-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21248/fera.27.130.
58. Bayer, Christian Josef: Teje: Die den Herrn Beider Länder mit ihrer Schönheit erfreut. Eine ikonographische Studie. Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Ruhpolding 2014). FeRa 26 (2015), 54–57.
59. Mansfeld, Günter: Der Held auf dem Wagen. Archäologische Belege zur technischen Entwicklung des Wagens. Verlag Franz Phillip Rutzen, Wiesbaden 2013. Antike Welt 4 (2014), 91.
60. Decker, W.: Sport am Nil. Texte aus drei Jahrtausenden ägyptischer Geschichte. Arete-Verlag, Hildesheim 2012. Klio 96/2 (Dec. 2014), 710–713.
61. Teeter, E. (ed.): Before the Pyramids. The Origins of Egyptian Civilization. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Museum Publications 33, Chicago 2011. FeRa 21 (2013), 29–33.
62. Spiekermann, A. (ed.): “Zur Zierde gereicht …”. Festschrift Bettina Schmitz zum 60. Geburtstag. Hildesheim: Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg. Hildesheimer Ägyptologische Beiträge 50. OLZ 107 (2012), 78–81.
Submitted articles
63. Dewatering Systems in ancient Egyptian Temples and the Question of reuse. Submitted for Ägypten und Levante
64. Together with Prof. Dr. Rainer Hannig and Daniela Rutica: Aspekte der pharaonischen Musik: Stimme, Musiker und Aufführungspraxis von Debeheni bis zu den altägyptischen Liebesliedern.
65. Reisen im Alten Ägypten. Submitted for the series „Architektur, Inschriften und Denkmäler Altägyptens“ (AIDA), Verlag Marie Leidorf (VML) (Rahden/Westfalen) by Christian Loeben und Orell Witthuhn für die Reihe.
66. Sonne, Mond und Sterne – Bemerkungen zu den Anfängen der Astronomie im Alten Ägypten. For the book accompanying the exhibition „The Nebra Sky Disc – New Horizons“ at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale.
67. Mobilität, Fernverkehr und Reisen zu Schiff in pharaonischer Zeit. For the book accompanying the exhibition „The Nebra Sky Disc – New Horizons“ at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale.
68. Die religiöse Konnotation von Schiffen im pharaonischen Ägypten. For the book accompanying the exhibition „The Nebra Sky Disc – New Horizons“ at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale.
69. Wassersysteme im Tempel der Repit in Athribis. In: Müller, M., Leitz, C.: (eds.): Athribis VIII. Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale.
70. The Impact of Military Innovations in Ancient Egypt. Publikation der Ergebnisse der Workshops „Konflikt und Innovation“ des Forschungsclusters 2 “Innovationen: technisch, sozial” des Deutsche Archäologischen Institutes, herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Svend Hansen und Dr. Florian Klimscha.
71. Veränderungen im Instrumenteninventar vom Alten Ägypten bis ins 1. Jt. n. Chr. - Pharaonisches Erbe oder Neubeginn? Für die Publikation der internationalen Tagung “Kontakt und Transfer in der Musikkultur des 5. bis 12. Jh. n. Chr. zwischen Byzanz und dem lateinischen Westen. Wirkung und Rezeption musikalischer Traditionen”, 6. Dezember 2018 - 9. Dezember 2018, Johannes Gutenberg University, Institute of musicology and Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus' Mainz.
72. Musik im Tempel von Athribis: Sistrum, Menit, runde Rahmentrommel und Glöckchen aus einer Kultstätte griechisch-römischer Zeit. In: Müller, M., Leitz, C.: (eds.): Athribis VIII. Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale.
73. Göttliche Klänge. Zur manipulativen Kraft der Musik im Alten Ägypten/Divine Sounds - The Manipulative Power of Music in ancient Egypt. In: Ehret. J. (ed.): Die geistige Macht der Musik/The Mental Spiritual Power of Music.
74. Reiten im Alten Ägypten im Spiegel einer Reiterstatuette in Langres. Submitted for the commemorative bulletin of Prof. Dr. Rainer Hannig, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim.
75. The Development and Introduction of Wheeled Vehicles in ancient Egypt. Technical Innovations and their (non-)Acceptance in Pharaonic times, for the conference volume “Contextualising Technical Innovations in Prehistory”, published by the Excellence cluster Topoi, Eurasia Department, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin and “Atlas of Innovations” by Prof. Dr. Gerd Graßhoff, Prof. Dr. Svend Hansen, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Renn and Dr. Florian Klimscha.
76. Das Königsgrab des Chasechemui in Abydos: Keramik und Transportlogistik. Submitted for Studies on Old Kingdom Pottery II, Warschau.
77. War in ancient Egypt. It will be published in: Hansen, S., Jansen, C.: “People - cultures - traditions”. Studies from the research clusters of the German Archaeological Institute.
78. Music in ancient Egypt from 5000 BC to the 4th Dynasty. In: Köhler, C.: Origins 6: International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Vienna 2017.
Books in progress
79. Musik im Alten Ägypten. For Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt.
Edited volumes in progress
80. Die Stadt im Alten Ägypten /The town in Ancient Egypt, for Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt.
81. Wasserversorgung in Ägypten, for Frontinus-Society, Bonn in the series “Geschichte der Wasserversorgung“/“History of water supply“.
Journal articles in progress
82. Dance and Clothing in Ancient Egypt - the earliest evidence. In: Gouy, A. (ed.): Textiles in Motion. Dress for Dance in the Ancient World Ancient Textiles Series, Oxbow Books.
83. Reiten im Alten Ägypten. For: „Sokar“
84. Innovations in the tomb of Tutankhamun. For: “Die Kunde”.
85. Neolithic drums in the Landesmuseum Hannover. Exhibition catalogue.
86. Innovationen im pharaonischen Ägypten: Der Streitwagen. In Vorbereitung für „Die Kunde“.
87. The oldest container in world history and the need for speed - transport wagons, carts and chariots in ancient Egypt. For Nile Magazine
88. Female musicians: between art and erotism.
89. The Quadriga Chariot in the Museum August Kestner, Hannover/Der ägyptische Streitwagen im Museum August Kestner, Hannover.
90. Die Keramik des Pyramidentempels der Roten Pyramide des Pharaos Snofru in Dahschur. For German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Kairo.
91. Die Keramik aus dem Grab des Chasechemui in Abydos. For German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Kairo.
Participation in conferences:
05/03/2021 “Women, Music, and Erotism in Ancient Egypt“. International conference ‘Modern’ Women of the Past? Unearthing Gender and Antiquity. The AAIA, CCANESA, AWAWS, CCWM and the University of Sydney Departments of Archaeology and Classics & Ancient History, Australia
30/11.-1/12/2020 “Reisen zwischen Mobilität und Migration im pharaonischen Ägypten“, Graduiertenkolleg Basel
27/08/2020 “The sound of ancient Egypt”. European Association of Archaeology (EAA) Budapest
28/08/2020 “Clappers in Ancient Egypt: wood or ivory for the same event or ritual?”, European Association of Archaeology (EAA) Budapest
27/07/2019 “Dewatering Systems in ancient Egypt from the Old Kingdom to Graeco-Roman Times”, conference “12. Tage der Ägyptologie”, Coptic monastery Brenkhausen
08/02/2019 “Divine Sounds. The Manipulative Power of Music in ancient Egypt” at the international congress in Luxembourg from February 7 to February 9, 2019 “On the Spiritual Power of Music: Limits, Challenges and Horizons in an Ecumenical Perspective”. Department “Religion, Communication, Education” of the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society (Prof. Jean Ehret), the Chair of music pedagogy of the University of Würzburg (Prof. Friedhelm Brusniak) and the Faculté des Lettres, des Sciences Humaines, des Arts et des Sciences de l’Éducation of the University of Luxembourg (Prof. Damien Sagrillo)
28/07/2018 “From Narmer to Chufu – the earliest sanctuaries and temples in ancient Egypt”, conference “11. Tage der Ägyptologie”, Coptic monastery Brenkhausen
24/05/2017 “The Earliest Music in ancient Egypt (Predynastic and Early Dynastic Period and the Beginning of the Old Kingdom)”. “Sounds of Prehistory and Antiquity”, 14th conference of the Research Center for Music Iconography; City University of New York (lecture and chairman)
18/03/2017 “Water management in ancient Egypt – dewatering systems for rain and wastewater in temple, tomb, household and the craft sector”. Conference of the Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft at the University of Trier.
21/10/2016 “Mobility, foreignness, and integration in ancient Egypt”, on the international conference “9. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag: Migration und Integration von der Urgeschichte bis zum Mittelalter“, 20th –22th October at Halle (Saale)
13–14/10/2016 “Latest results on the introduction and use or disuse of transport vehicles in Egypt”. Plenary session of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin
31/07/2016 “Travel in ancient Egypt. Travel Culture, Mobility and Transportation in pharaonic times”, conference “Die 9. Tage der Ägyptologie 2016”, Coptic monastery Brenkhausen
26–29/05/2016 “Fortifications in ancient Egypt from Predynastic Times to the End of the New Kingdom”. Conference of the research group “Conflict and Innovation” of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute Cairo and Madrid in Torres Vedras, Portugal
15/12/2015 “Innovations in siege engineering in ancient Egypt“. Conference of the research group “Conflict and Innovation” of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute, on invitation of Prof. Dr. Svend Hansen and Dr. Florian Klimscha
11–12/11/2015 “The innovation ‘wheel’ and its (not) acceptance in ancient Egypt”. Plenary session of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin on invitation of Prof. Dr. Ricardo Eichmann (DAI, Orient Abteilung), Prof. Dr. Christof Schuler (commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy, Munich) and Prof. Svend Hansen (Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute)
22–25/10/2015 “You have reached your destination – en route in ancient Egypt” on invitation of Dr. D. Weidgenannt. Crossing the Borders – Reisen in der Antike, Tagung Altertumswissenschaften Cusanuswerk, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, 22. –25.10.2015
26/11/2014 “Innovations and their contexts: The Introduction and Development of Wheeled Vehicles in ancient Egypt”, international congress “Contextualising technical innovations in Prehistory” at the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, 24th–26th November 2014 of the Excellence cluster Topoi, the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute and the “Atlas of Innovations”
05–07/11/2014 “War in ancient Egypt: the textual and iconographical evidence” at the international and interdisciplinary conference of the Research Cluster 5 of the German Archaeological Institute “Archaeology and War”, Trier
22/09/2014 “The tomb of Khasekhemui”. Abydos conference at the German Archaeological Institute Cairo
12–13/06/2014 “From scaling ladder to chariot”. Workshop of the research group “Conflict and Innovation” of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute, on invitation of Prof. Dr. Svend Hansen and Dr. Florian Klimscha at the Roman Germanic Commission (RGK) in Frankfurt
03/12/2013 “The ancient Egyptian chariot military equipment and mode of locomotion”. Workshop of the research group “Conflict and Innovation” of the Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute on invitation of Prof. Dr. Svend Hansen and Dr. Florian Klimscha at the Roman Germanic Commission (RGK) in Frankfurt
01/12/2012 “The chariot as a mode of locomotion in civil context”. First International Chariot Conference in Cairo 30.11.–01.12.2012, Netherlands-Fleemish Institute and American University in Cairo (lecture and chairman)
14/03/2011 “Innovations in irrigation and dewatering systems in ancient Egypt”, on invitation of Prof. Dr. R. Eichmann, Conference of the Excellence Research Cluster 2 “Innovations: technological, social” of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin
11/10/2005 “Dewatering systems in ancient Egypt – from the waterspouts of the temples to the toilets of the Pharaohs”. Keynote lecture at the waste water conference in Gudensberg/Kassel on invitation of the wastewater association Mittleres Emstal
25/02/2003 “Dewatering problems and solutions throughout history: Pharaonic Egypt”, conference part I on waste water in Göttingen / Göttinger Abwassertage, Technical Academy Hannover, municipal water treatment Göttingen
19/02/2003 “Dewatering systems in ancient Egypt”, conference part II on waste water in Göttingen / Göttinger Abwassertage, Technical Academy Hannover, municipal water treatment Göttingen
28/10/2000 “Dreams and dream interpretation in hieratic and demotic Papyri”. Annual international conference of the DGPA, Göttingen
Organisation of lecture series and conferences:
08-11/09/2021 Session #152 “Ancient West Asia and Egyptian Soundscapes in Contact”, 27th EAA Annual Meeting der European Association of Archaeologists in Kiel, “Widening Horizons”
2014–2015 Organisation of the 47. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz (SÄK) 10–12/07/2015 in Trier, Germany
2011–2015 Yearly series of lectures in the summer semester at the Egyptological Institute of the University of Trier, Germany
2015 Lecture series accompanying the exhibition in the museum World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte “Egypt: Gods. Humans. Pharaohs”, together with Frank Krämer, Germany
Selected lectures:
13/04/2021 “Dewatering systems for wastewater and rain in ancient Egyptian Temples”. Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, the Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw
14/03/2021 “Music in ancient Egypt and its beginnings - Latest research in music archaeology“ (lecture including live musical performances). Egypt Centre Swansea.
16/12/2020 “Musik in pharaonischer Zeit“. Ägyptisches Museum Bonn
15/10/2020 “Reisen und Mobilität in pharaonischer Zeit - von den Schlitten der
Pyramidenbauer bis zu den Streitwagen der Pharaonen“, Ägyptologie-Forum Zürich
26/11/2019 “Dewatering systems for wastewater and rain in ancient Egypt”, Swedish institute, Athen/Greece
23/05/2019 “The earliest evidence for ancient Egyptian Religion - Gods and Temples”. Testimonial lecture for the Egyptology forum Zurich/ Switzerland, celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary, on invitation of the president Renate Siegmann, including the concert “Music from the Nile - Past and Present” (vocals, guitar and ancient Egyptian lute)
19/05/2019 “Music in ancient Egypt” / “Building in ancient Egypt” at the International Museum Day in Pirmasens
15/05/2019 “Egypt and the Nebra Sky Disc”. Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale
13–14/02/2019 “Music in ancient Egypt”: lecture and workshop, Museum August Kestner Hannover, on invitation of Dr. Christian
12/10/2018 “Dewatering Systems in ancient Egypt from the Old Kingdom up to Graeco-Roman Times”, archive dedicated to the history of water management, Tambach-Dietharz
19/04/2018 “Sound of Silence? Music in ancient Egypt”. Opening lecture of the lecture series “flashlight: Flash: Prehistory and Classical Archeology“, University of Trier
23/10/2017 “Mobility and travel in ancient Egypt”. University of Trier
26/05/2017 “Mobility and Travel in ancient Egypt”. Metropolitan Museum New York, Egyptological Seminar of New York (ESNY)
08/05/2017 “Gods and Pharaohs”. University of Trier, lecture series “Montagsvorträge aus Forschung und Lehre”
25/04/2017 “God and the world of ancient Egypt – ancient Egyptian religion between deities, worshippers, Maat, and the hereafter”. University of Trier
04/02/2016 “Traffic engineering and innovations in Egypt: transport wagons and camels in Graeco-Roman Times”, Center for Classical Studies, Research Center Greco-Roman Egypt, University of Trier, within the colloquium “Issues of Graeco-Roman Egypt”
12/01/2016 “War in ancient Egypt”. Within the lecture series accompanying the international special exhibition at the Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle/Saale “Krieg – eine archäologische Spurensuche“, on invitation of Prof. Dr. Harald Meller
11/01/2016 “On the way in pharaonic times – on sedan chairs, chariots, sledges and transport wagons in ancient Egypt”. Urania Berlin
19/11/2015 “Gods and Pharaohs. The origin of ancient Egyptian religion and the rone of the Pharaoh”. Within the lecture series accompanying the special exhibition at the Musée national d'histoire et d'art (MNHA) in Luxembourg on invitation of Prof. Dr. Michel Polfer
19/10/2015 “Wagons, Carts and Chariots in ancient Egypt: Rejection versus Acceptance of the Technical Innovation ‘Wheel’” on invitation of Prof. Dr. W. Wendrich, Los Angeles, UCLA, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures
17/10/2015 “Ancient Egyptian Love Songs” in Los Angeles on invitation of the Egypt Exploration Organization of Southern California
14/10/2015 “Travel in ancient Egypt: Egyptian Mobility, Traffic and Transport”. University of Arizona, American Research Centers in Egypt, on invitation of Dr. Mary Ownby
01/06/2015 “Water management in ancient Egypt: Irrigation and dewatering systems in fortresses, settlements, and towns”, University of Trier, within the Egyptological lecture series “Towns and settlements in Ancient Egypt”
18/05/2015 “Ancient Egyptian Love songs and music archaeology”. University of Trier, within the lecture series “Montagsvorträge aus Forschung und Lehre”
17/02/2015 “Textual and archaeological evidence for war in ancient Egypt”, Federal State Museum for Prehistory Halle on invitation of Prof. Dr. Harald Meller
11/02/2015 “Travel and transportation in ancient Egypt, innovations and their (non) acceptance”, on invitation of the Topoi research cluster (Dr. Christian Barth, Dr. Florian Klimscha), Berlin
03/02/2015 “The dangers of traveling in ancient Egypt – chariot accidents and death en route”. Within the lecture series of the World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte “Ägypten – Götter. Menschen. Pharaonen”, together with the University of Trier and the Saarland University, Saarbrücken
28/05/2014 “From disc wheel to Porsche – current research results on the use of the wheel in ancient Egypt”. Nationwide online lecture series “Technique and living environment”
28/04/2014 “O that you came to your sister swiftly – Ancient Egyptian Love Songs”. University of Trier, within the Egyptological lecture series “Literature in ancient Egypt”
18/11/2013 “Travel in ancient Egypt – from the sledges of the pyramid builders to the chariots of the Pharaohs”. University of Trier, within the lecture series “Montagsvorträge aus Forschung und Lehre”
12/11/2013 “Mobility, transport and modes of locomotion”, on invitation of the Freundeskreis Ägyptologie, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
24/10/2013 “Travel in ancient Egypt. Travel Culture, Mobility and Transportation in pharaonic times”. Heidelberg, Egyptological institute, Marstallhof 4, Heidelberg
23/05/2013 “Travel routes, modes of transport and locomotion in ancient Egypt”. Studium Generale Aachen
13/05/2013 “Female mobility in pharaonic times”. University of Trier, within the Egyptological lecture series “Women in ancient Egypt“
23/01/2013 “The ships of the Pharaohs”. Museum August Kestner Hannover, on invitation of Dr. Christian Loeben
25/10/2012 “Mobility, traffic and transport in ancient Egypt”, Institute of Egyptology, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, on invitation of Collegium Aegyptium of the Institute of Egyptology, on invitation of Prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. phil. Frank Müller-Römer
14/05/2012 “Travel in ancient Egypt”, within the lecture series “The Evolution of Mankind und Culture”, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, on invitation of Prof. Dr. V. Wissemann
07/05/2012 “The origins of ancient Egyptian religion – the earliest evidence for priests, cult and worship”, University of Trier, within the Egyptological lecture series “Aspects of ancient Egyptian Religion“
17/02/2012 “Travel in ancient Egypt”, Friends of the Petrie Museum, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UCL, London, on invitation of Dr. Lucia Gahlin
15/02/2012 “Travel in ancient Egypt”, University of Swansea
14/02/2012 “Travel and transport in ancient Egypt”, University of Oxford, on invitation of Dr. Elizabeth Frood
02/02/2012 “Egyptian transport wagons in Graeco-Roman Times”, Center for Classical Studies, Research Center Greco-Roman Egypt, University of Trier, within the colloquium “Issues of Graeco-Roman Egypt”
23/11/2011 “Travel and transport in ancient Egypt”, Trinity College, Dublin, on invitation of Prof. Dr. Brian McGing
18/04/2011 “From Hierakonpolis to Giza: the earliest sanctuaries of ancient Egypt”, within the Egyptological lecture series “The Temples of Egypt”
09/07/2009 “Travel culture, modes of transport and locomotion in pharaonic Egypt”, Egyptological Institute and Museum in Leipzig, on invitation of Prof. Dr. H.-W. Fischer-Elfert
07/02/2008 “Travel in ancient Egypt” in der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, on invitation of the Aegypten Forums Berlin
26/11/2007 “From the sledges of the pyramid builders to the chariots of the Pharaohs”, Hildesheim, Roemer- and Pelizaeus-Museum, on invitation of Dr. Katja Lembke
08/05/2007 “Modes of transport and locomotion in ancient Egypt”, Egyptological Institute at the University of Münster, on invitation of Prof. Dr. E. Graefe
07/02/2002 “Archaeological news from Abydos: Finds from the tomb of Khasekhemui”. Seminar for Egyptology and Coptic Studies, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
15/04/1998 “The impact of tourism on modern Egypt”, University of Göttingen, on invitation of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), Bonn
Popular publications and science management
Popular publications:
1. Am Anfang war die Rassel - die frühesten Musikinstrumente im Alten Ägypten. Antike Welt 1/21 (2021), 74-82.
2. Ägypten in Tawern/Trier: Ein Ibis-Mosaikglas und ein Isis und Serapis-Relief aus dem Vicus und dem Tempel in Tawern bei Trier. Kreisjahrbuch Trier-Saarburg 2021, 293-306.
3. Nefertiti on the chariot - the female use of chariots in Ancient Egypt. ASOR (American School of Oriental Research), The Ancient Near East Today December 2020 VIII, Nr. 12, http://www.asor.org/anetoday/2020/12/nefertiti-chariot/.
4. The Harp in Ancient Egypt I. Luxor Times 3 (2020), 94-100.
5. The Harp in Ancient Egypt II. Nile Magazine 27 (September-October 2020), 8-19.
6. Rain, Rain, Go Away: Dealing with Wastewater and Rain in Ancient Egypt. ASOR (American School of Oriental Research) January 2020 VIII, No. 2, http://www.asor.org/anetoday/2020/01/Rain-Go-Away-Wastewater-and-Rain-in-Ancient-Egypt
7. Rediscovering the Chariots of ancient Egypt – new insights into a supposedly well-known phenomenon. The Egyptian Society of South Africa, SHEMU 2019, 1, 3–5.
8. Wohin mit Regen- und Gebrauchtwasser? Ein Abriss der Abwassertechnik im pharaonischen Ägypten. Sokar 37 (2019), 72–77.
9. The Earliest Music in ancient Egypt. The Egyptian Society of South Africa. SHEMU 22/3 (July 2018), 1, 3–5.
10. The Earliest Music in ancient Egypt. ASOR (American School of oriental Research) VI, Nr. 1 (January 2018), http://www.asor.org/anetoday/2018/01/earliest-music-egypt.
11. Musik im Alten Ägypten. Sokar 33 (2016), 26–33.
12. Die Schiffe der Pharaonen - 5000 Jahre Schifffahrt im Alten Ägypten. Sokar 32 (2016), 6–21.
13. Der ägyptische Streitwagen zwischen Kriegsgerät und Fortbewegungsmittel. Antike Welt 1 (2016), 70–75.
14. Mobilität und Verkehr im Alten Ägypten. Thots 10 (2013), 14–19.
15. Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Schlitten und Rindern beim Pyramidenbau. Sokar 25 (2/2012), 28–31.
16. Rinder als Transporttiere im Alten Ägypten. Sokar 24 (1/2012), 20–23.
17. Reisen zur Zeit der Pharaonen – Reisen, Transport und Verkehr im pharaonischen Ägypten. Reisen in der Antike. Antike Welt 3 (2012), 8–15.
18. Fortbewegung von Kindern im pharaonischen Ägypten. Kemet 4 (2011), 31–34.
19. Streitwagen im Kampf: Vom ägyptischen Streitwagen zum persischen Sichelwagen. Sokar 22 (2011), 58–69.
20. Die Entwicklung des ägyptischen Streitwagens nach dem Neuen Reich. Kemet 3 (2011), 40–43.
21. Rad, Pferd und Wagen. Altägyptische Verkehrsmittel und ihre Reise-geschwindigkeiten. Kemet 2 (2011), 26–30.
22. Altägyptische Entwässerungssysteme in Nubien. Kemet 1/2011, 50–53.
23. Nofretete auf dem Streitwagen. Kemet 3 (2010), 32–33.
24. Die Keramik aus dem Grab des Chasechemui. Sokar 20 (2010), 6–11.
25. Die Straßen der Pharaonen II. Bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse der Altstraßenforschung. Sokar 19 (2009), 71–77.
26. Die Straßen der Pharaonen I. Grundlagen. Sokar 18 (2009), 31–37.
27. Das Rad im Alten Ägypten: (k)eine Erfolgsgeschichte? Altägyptische Wagen und ihre Entwicklungsgeschichte seit dem Alten Reich. Sokar 17 (2008), 44–53.
28. Reisen im Alten Ägypten. Isched 1 (2008), Journal des Aegypten Forum Berlin, Berlin 2008, 30–32.
Science Management:
• Numerous interviews in radio, print media and television on scientific topics (e.g. on the supposed new chambers in the Pyramid of Cheops; music in Ancient Egypt; travel in Ancient Egypt; the chariot in Ancient Egypt; the water systems in the temple of Athribis; dewatering systems in ancient Egypt; the excavation of the tomb of the last king of the 2nd Dynasty Chasechemui at Abydos - what we learn about the pottery, etc.).
• Together with Dr. Ingelore Hafemann, Project Ancient Egyptian Dictionary: "The Language of Love in Ancient Egypt". Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Salon Sophie Charlotte, event "Die Wissenschaft und die Liebe", 19 January 2013: lecture on ancient Egyptian love songs with recitations and settings of the same for singing voice and ancient Egyptian lute.
• Scientific advice for the film “Ägypten 3D”.
• Scientific advice for a television film on Tutankhamun's death in the series "Tatort Antike" (27.6.3019, taglicht media Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH, Cologne).
• Numerous lectures for adults (Urania Berlin, International Museum Day, various museums, Studium Generale, workshops, etc.) and children (workshops, children's university) about ancient Egypt
• Participation from 2011 to 2017 in the Night of Science - Illuminale of the University of Trier with concerts of ancient Egyptian music (with lute, sistrum, rattle, round frame drum, daraboukah, lyre, etc.) as well as music archaeological contributions on Roman music and the earliest European (the approx. 35,000 flutes from the Swabian Alb or a bone idiophone of the same period) using replicas of the respective instruments, some of which she made herself, as part of experimental archaeology.
• Compositions of music with ancient Egyptian instruments and texts for the exhibition PHARAO 2017 in the Lokschuppen in Rosenheim/Germany and others.
• Concerts and lectures with replicas of ancient Egyptian instruments about music in ancient Egypt, including the “Song of the palanquin bearers” (from the tomb of Ipi, Saqqara, Dynasty 6), “Travel to Memphis” (Papyrus Harris 500 recto 1,1-4,1), “Song of the Birdcatcher’s daughter” (Papyrus Harris 500 recto, 4,1-6,2), the “Harper’s song” (tomb of Neferhotep, Thebes, TT 50), and many others, ca. 2300-1100 BC.
Scholarships, awards
2015 Printing subsidies for the PhD by the Dr.-Walther-Liebehenz Foundation Göttingen
2015 Funding of the lectures at Tucson, Arizona and Los Angeles, California, by the Mary Kingsley Fund and the Women’s Fund of the University of Trier
2013 Promotion of the participation and lecture in the conference at Birmingham by the Women’s Fund of the University of Trier
2011 Mary-Kingsley-Fund and Research Fund University of Trier
1995–1999 Doctoral scholarship of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation Bonn
Scientific organizations and memberships
Since 2021 Alumni contact person in the Philosophy Network of the Georg-August-University Göttingen (Alumni member since 2008), Department of Historical and Philological Sciences
Since 2020 European Association of Archaeologists
Since 2019 Archaeomusicology Interest Group, Archaeological Institute of America
Since 2019 Member of ISGMA, The International Study Group on Music Archaeology
Since 2018 Member of TRANSMARE – Trierer Institut zur Erforschung des Transfers von Menschen, Gütern und Ideen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
Since 2017 Member of the Africa-Network at the University of Trier
Since 30/02/2017 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board and in the board of directors of the Frontinus Society
Since 29/03/2017 Member of the Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft e.V.
Since 16/05/2013 Deutscher Archäologen-Verband (DARV)/German Association of Archaeologists
14/06/2012–14/06/2014 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Center for Classical Studies, Research Center Greco-Roman Egypt” (ZAT) at the University of Trier
2012-2020 Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
Since 13/07/2011 International Association of Egyptologist (IAE)